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# dnf install i3 i3lock xbindkeys brightnessctl

Then log off choose i3 option from Fedora’s login manager and do first config.

Choose if your meta key will be Windows key or Alt. In this guide Win key is used (referenced just as “Win”)


Arch Wiki is great resource, you will surely need this neat menu

Arch Wiki

Once you added the Shutdown Reboot Lock menu in ~/.config/i3/config, hit Win+Shift+R


copy default and edit if you need

$ cp /etc/i3status.conf ~/.config/i3status/config


$ xbindkeys -d > ~/.xbindkeysrc

for audio -

"pamixer -t"
    m:0x10 + c:121
    Mod2 + XF86AudioMute

"pamixer --decrease 5"
    m:0x10 + c:122
    Mod2 + XF86AudioLowerVolume

"pamixer --increase 5"
    m:0x10 + c:123
    Mod2 + XF86AudioRaiseVolume

"amixer set Capture toggle"
    m:0x10 + c:198
    Mod2 + XF86AudioMicMute

"brightnessctl s 682-"
    m:0x10 + c:232
    Mod2 + XF86MonBrightnessDown

"brightnessctl s +682"
    m:0x10 + c:233
    Mod2 + XF86MonBrightnessUp