With the knowledge you get on the course the reading of the book Dive into Python 3 (CZ verze) should be easier
set you on the path to realize some idea you think could be useful, so you can learn more about the required problematic and cooperate with people who try to do something similar
Covered topics:
python3 mainly with explanation about python2 differences and why it will end
Interpreter/compiling - differences, what happens behind the hood
Ipython/Bpython vim-jedi, ideal IDE and workflow for writing/testing
pip, virtualenv vs stuff that is no longer used (so if you google for stuff, you won’t get confused easilly)
what can you do with python, from automating system stuff to multimedia and games in order to help you choose whatever you want to dig in more
homework so you work on your weaker skills in your free time
Bash/zsh both on unix and Windows and helpful tools (cat, grep, tmux, watch, ssh…)
lastly how to make nice CV using LaTex - https://www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/cv or using some github rst>pdf whatever template so they are presentable
free time
Ideally Arch Linux installed otherwise any RPM based or Deb based Linux distribution (Fedora Red Hat) or any deb based (Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu) or Windows 7+ PC OR any 2006+ laptop wit
h functional USB port to boot flash with Arch Linux from, so even notebooks without HDDs will work. You can try with some Apple product (MAC) but don’t expect much support, since I have no e
xperience with those products.